A Cavitron is a dental instrument that uses ultrasonic vibrations to clean teeth. It is a hand-held device that a dentist or hygienist uses to remove plaque, tartar and stains from teeth surfaces. It uses high-frequency sound waves to generate small bubbles that implode and loosen debris. The debris is then removed with a water spray or suction. This method of cleaning teeth is known as ultrasonic scaling. A Cavitron can also be used to remove old fillings, bondings, and to prepare teeth for new restorations. It can also be used for periodontal therapy. This device is considered to be more efficient and less invasive than traditional scaling instruments such as scalers and curettes.
Dental Questions
For many people, dentistry is a language of its own and many of the terminology and procedures are not well understood, which can lead to people making poor or uninformed decisions about their dental health.
We make it our point that every patient fully understands their customized treatment plan and its benefits. Therefore, we have compiled a knowledge base of information to describe every procedure and many common questions in an inviting and simple manner.
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